I used to take drugs when I stubbed my toe. I would take cold meds every 3 hours when I was sick with the flu. I had a pill for everything. Since getting pregnant, having T, breastfeeding, and raising this precious human being I am no longer the pill addict I once was. So since T has had a cold/double ear infection/eye infection/hives I have struggled with the notion of medication. I hate giving her jarred baby food, how can I justify pumping her full of antibiotics and cortisone cremes?
The first round of antibiotics I agreed with completely. I saw her ears, they sucked! Within a day she was looking and feeling much better and the prescription was only for 5 days. We chose not to use the hydro cortisone on her hives or rashes. We struggled with this but we decided to use really good lotion instead. When getting her ears rechecked, the ped put her on a preventative 20 day dose of amox. due to a build up of fluid in her ears. The only reason I could use to justify this round of drugs was the loss of hearing that was taking place in her ears due to the fluid. But I struggled. As if on cue, she broke out in a full body rash and the ped, once again, said to use the steroid creme to keep her from itching. I hate this. I hate all the drugs going into her system.
So what's a mom to do? I've ransacked every book, website and picked all the brains of my granola friends. I don't want to keep giving her medication that she is obviously reacting to, but I know that she needs it. D has a massive problem with it as well. The only conclusion we came to is that, while T is pure and new, the germs and toxins around her are not. And we need to be able to battle the illnesses of this world, for her sake. It's not a fun call. It's not an easy decision. Thinking I could be hurting her in any way is hard to stomach, but I know it's what we have to do.
On a happier note, T is now using everything as a drum and dancing as she pounds out the beats! Even being sick and having rashes, she still bobs her head, rocks back and fourth and squeals with delight at all things rock 'n' roll!
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