Saturday, August 14, 2010

I have an addiction....

The first step to getting help is admitting you have a problem. So here goes....
My name is M and I am sugar addict. If there is chocolate (even the horrible dairy free soy free kind), muffins, cakes, brownies or cookies anywhere near my house, I will eat them. And not just one. I have been known to eat an entire loaf of banana bread in one sitting. When I was pregnant I ate my weight in oreos. I'm not kidding! I love it all. I can make it all, bake it all even on a restricted diet.

This realization came to be when I found 10 ripe bananas in my kitchen. I delighted in the fact that I would be able to make at least 2 loaves of bread, maybe some muffins and some yummy cookies. And then I stopped myself. I thought about the last time I made banana bread and the 2 day migraine that ensued. I had convinced myself that because it was a vegan recipe that it was somehow healthy for me. But even dairy free soy free butter is laden with calories. There might not be eggs but there was a cup of beautifully white sugar! But perhaps my worst offense was the actual act of sticking my head in the bowl to lick it clean.

I have been dairy/soy free for 3 months now, and this change has changed my bodies chemistry. I can tell. I feel better. I cannot handle sugar anymore. My body cannot tolerate it, I get the shakes, I get headaches and I end up feeling horrid. But it has not stopped me from eating it. Until now. I have made the decision to cut it out. Not all of it, but from now on I will be making the choice to not eat it, use it to make me feel better or bake 3 loaves of banana bread with it.
I'm down 30 lbs and this may be one of my last life changes to really be healthy, to really be happy. I'm excited for this sweet change!

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