I had a big realization at a playdate today. One of those delayed (due to lack of coffee) reactions that lead to a life changing paradigm shift.
It happened when I saw another mom tell her 16 month old that she wasn't going to nurse her. It hit me that I had already fed T twice in an hour, once because she was hungry and once because she fell (boobs for boo boos!). Then another mom confessed that she was embarrassed that she co-slept with her son during naps. T has slept in a crib twice when she was a week old. Not thinking much of these small events I went about the rest of my day, doing my thing with my baby.
And then it hit me. I parent totally my way. I follow no one else. I go with my gut and my gut only. I have really learned, partly out of necessity, to just quit caring what other people think. I had always felt judged when discussing parenting. We do it differently. In our world we are extreme, weird and wrong. But I always knew we were doing what was best for T. I do, whats right, for my child, my self, my husband, my family. I have learned balance mommy relationships while being oblivious to how other people parent!
I wish all moms could feel this way. These mommy wars can be intense. Being able to turn off the drama (mostly in my head) has made me the mom I have always wanted to be. So maybe instead of trying to get people to see our parenting points, we should just focus on our own lives and just quit caring!